Unlock Maximum Efficiency - It's Easier Than You Think

Tired of chasing elusive efficiency gains? At OmniOps, I believe true efficiency is within reach, and achieving it doesn't always require drastic changes. 

Here's the secret: solutions to root causes are rarely one-dimensional. That's why my multifaceted approach goes beyond the surface level. I identify and eliminate inefficiencies you might not even know exist, from streamlining daily operations to optimizing multi-million dollar projects I can do it all.

Ready to unlock your true business potential? Let OmniOps show you how.


About OmniOps

With over a decade of experience across warehousing, transportation, logistics, and operations, I have developed a comprehensive approach to tackling business challenges. I address everything from streamlining daily tasks to optimizing multi-million dollar projects, ensuring no inefficiency goes unnoticed. My multifaceted approach identifies and eliminates both the apparent and the underlying issues, empowering your business to thrive.


Many businesses struggle to boost profitability, mistakenly believing it requires drastic overhauls. What if you could boost efficiency, profitability, and employee morale without having to make drastic changes? That's where I come in. I help businesses unlock their true potential by implementing strategies that enhance both your bottom line and your company culture.




One-size-fits-all solutions don't work in today's complex business environment. That's why I craft custom-tailored strategies to address your specific challenges. With a focus on achieving your desired results, I deliver solutions that stay on time and within budget.

Experience like no other

My experience building things from the ground up gives me a unique advantage. I can not only resolve problems eficiently, but also unearth hidden issues that might go unnoticed. With a deep understanding across a vast range of operations, I'm well-equipped to tackle even the most complex challenges.

Dedicated service

Get the personalized attention you deserve. Unlike larger firms, I treat every client as my top priority. This means exceptional communication, responsive service, and the advantage of in-person collaboration.


One-size-fits-all solutions don't work in today's complex business environment. That's why I offer highly customizable packages tailored to your specific needs and budget. Get the exact support you need to achieve your goals, without overpaying for features you dont.

Full service
Uncover hidden potential and unlock real growth. I go beyond simple analysis with in-depth insights, clear presentations, and a hands-on implementation plan. Stop guessing and start achieving - let OmniOps show you the path to true efficiency and sustainable business growth.
one off projects
Is your current team stretched thin? Do you need to bring new production lines online quickly? My custom project plans provide the focused expertise to achieve your goals, on time and on budget. Let me handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters most - running your business.
on call availability
Don't let business disruptions slow you down. My "On Call" package provides instant access to expert solutions whenever you need them. Whether it's daily operational hurdles or a critical project with high-priority shipments, OmniOps is on standby to deliver the right answers, fast. Get peace of mind knowing you have the support to keep your business running smoothly.


retail operations, warehouse operations, whiskey sales, cigar growth, Denver opening, Kentucky opening.

Fletcher Tate Store Manager

warehouse optimization, fleet management, inventory control, new warehouse software, product expansion, new capabilities brought online.

Mike MCfarlen Operations Manager

Mosaic project, new customer on boarding, large scale accountability and employee engagement.

Kelly Washam Director of Operations